Worship Online
Central’s Session has agreed that it is in the best interest of all who worship at Central, and all who are served by our community, to cancel all in-person worship and activities at Central until further notice. Every Sunday, new content will be posted to this page for a worship-on-demand experience that you can view anytime throughout the week. For those without regular internet access, we are mailing worship materials via postal mail. If you have limited web access or know of someone in need of mailed content, please contact Anna Sanchez or call (651) 224-4748.
For tips on video viewing, see the bottom of this page.
Sunday, January 3
Easy! Click here to go to our YouTube playlist.
Today’s cover artwork is “The Three Kings” by He Qi © 2014 All rights Reserved.
Rev. David Colby welcomes us to worship in this his last Sunday sermon at Central Presbyterian Church.
Central's Handbell Ensemble I with Jennifer Anderson share our opening hymn "We Three Kings of Orient Are".
Children’s Time
Rev. David Colby shares a time for children and youth at Central.
Rev. Colby shares our scripture reading of Matthew 2:1-12.
Rev. David Colby shares his last sermon at Central "Guided by a Star' from the sanctuary pulpit.
Rev. David Colby delivers the Sacrament of Communion on this first Sunday of the new year.
Musicians from the Central Choir, Handbell and Chamber Ensembles share "An Irish Blessing" in gratitude to Rev. Colby for his many years of ministry at Central.
Rev. David Colby delivers the benediction for this first Sunday of the 2021 year.
Thank you to Pastor Dave Colby and family for all the gifts and memories you've shared as part of our Central family. We wish you the very best as you turn the page on a new chapter in life and ministry.
4 Ways to Give
If Central is your church home, we encourage you to continue your regular tithes and offerings during this season. In so many ways, the work of Central is more important than ever before as we step up to serve those lacking important resources of daily living. To make your offering this week, simply click on an icon below.
Don’t miss the virtual Coffee Time on Sunday January 3rd from 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. on January 3rd. This time of fellowship will be dedicated to sharing a fond farewell to Pastor Dave Colby and his family, and gratitude for the almost 16 years that they have shared with Central Presbyterian Church. Whether you are new to Central, or have been involved for many years, we hope you'll join us for this time together at an important threshold in our community.
A simple program is planned, including time for small group discussion to share our favorite memories and what we appreciate about Dave’s leadership, and each group will have time to talk with the Colbys. We will laugh and share together as we look back in gratitude on the incredible chapter of Central’s history that Dave and his family have helped to write.
While on Zoom, you will also have the opportunity to receive your 2021 star word!
If at anytime you have questions, concerns or ideas, we invite you to reach out to our staff who will continue to be available. While voice mail will be checked as staff are able, we encourage you to send emails for more immediate response. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call 651-224-4728 ext. 102 and the voicemail will provide instruction to reach the pastor.
Pastoral care: Rev. David Colby
Deacons: Deacon Committee Chair, Mark Vance
Music: Jennifer Anderson
Children and Youth: Katie Morris
General Inquiries: Anna Sanchez
Communication/Website: Christie Rachelle
Permission to reprint, podcast, and stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-712575.
All rights reserved.
Past Sunday Worship Content
To view content, simply click on the date to go to that page.
Sunday, December 27
Worship with Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area “Bodies Cry Out for Justice” [ Luke 2 verses 22-40 ]
Friday, December 25 - Christmas Day
”Lemonade Christmas” with St. Paul Author Roger Barr
Thursday, December 24 - Christmas Eve
How Silently the Wondrous Gift is Given [ Isaiah 9:2-7 and Luke 2:1-20 ]
Sunday, December 20
Children & Youth Christmas Pageant “Do Not Be Afraid”
Sunday, December 13
Do Not Be Afraid to Practice Joy [ Isaiah 40:1-11 and Luke 2:1-14 ]
Sunday, December 6
Don’t Be Afraid to Bring Peace [ Isaiah 1-4, 8-11 and Luke 1:46-55 ]
Sunday, November 29
Don’t Be Afraid to Hold Hope [ Isaiah 64:1-9 and Luke 1:26-45 ]
Sunday, November 22
Celebrating the Confirmation Class of 2020
Sunday, November 15
The Church’s First Leadership Transition [ Acts 1:1-26 ]
Sunday, November 8
A Still More Excellent Way [ 1 Corinthians 12:3 - 13:13 ]
Sunday, November 1
40 Days and Nights [ Mark 1:9-13 and Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 and 14-15 ]
Sunday, October 25
The Reformed Church Always Reforming [ Guest Preacher ]
Sunday, October 18
Wandering in the Wilderness . . . on the Cusp [ Deuteronomy 34:1-9 ]
Sunday, October 11
Wandering in the Wilderness . . . are we there yet? [ Exodus 17:1-17 ]
Sunday, October 4
Wandering in the Wilderness . . . and God Provides [ Exodus 16:1-21 ]
Sunday, September 27
Signs of Hope After a Long Time [ Genesis 8:1-22 ]
Sunday, September 20
Will This Ever End? [ Genesis 6:11 - 7:7 ]
Sunday, September 13
The First Day [ Genesis 1:1-5 ]
Sunday, September 7
Re-Membering Connection as Resilience [ Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 ]
Sunday, August 30
Prepared to Endure Everything with Patience [ Colossians 1:9-14 ]
Sunday, August 23
Conversation on Anti-Racism [ Mark 10:48, 2 Timothy 1:9, Hebrews 12:1, and John 16:13 }
Sunday, August 16
Conversation on Hunger [ Psalm 107:1-9 and Mark 6:30-44 ]
Sunday, August 16
Conversation on Homelessness [ 1 John 3:16-24 and Isaiah 32:17-18 ]
Sunday, August 2
Worship with Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area [ Exodus 14:10-18 ]
Sunday, July 26 - Worship with Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area
Tears of Lament [ John 11: 28-44 ]
Sunday, July 19
Compassion for the World [ Leviticus 25 ]
Sunday, July 12
Compassion for the Journey [ Ruth 1:1-22 ]
Sunday, July 5
Compassion at the Table [ Luke 15: 11-32 ]
Sunday, June 28
Compassion for the Neighbor [ Mark 2:1-12 ]
Sunday, June 21
Looking Forward [ Isaiah 40:29-31 & Mark 12:25-31 ]
Sunday, June 14
Be Loved. Be Kind. Be You. [ Mark 2: 28-31 ]
Sunday, June 7
With All Our Breath [ Genesis 2:7-9, Job 27:3-6, and Isaiah 42:1-9 ]
Sunday, May 31
Pentecost Sunday [ Acts 2: 1-41 ]
Sunday, May 24
How Do We Get Started? [ Acts 1:1-14 ]
Sunday, May 17
The Gospel Goes to Athens [ Acts 17:22-31 ]
Sunday, May 10
The Church is On the Move [ Acts 14:20-28 ]
Sunday, May 3
They Broke Bread at Home [ Acts 2:42-46 ]
Sunday, April 26
Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly [ Micah 6:6-8 ]
Sunday, April 19
The Peace of Jesus Christ [ John 20:19-31 ]
Sunday, April 12 - EASTER SUNDAY
Easter in a Time of Social Distancing [ John 20:1-18 ]
Friday, April 10 - GOOD FRIDAY
Good Friday [ Psalm 22:1-5 ]
Last Supper Together | Love One Another [ John 13:33-38 ]
Even the Stones Will Shout Aloud! [ Luke 19:28-40 ]
Finding a Balm in Gilead [ Psalm 27 ]
The Valley of Dry Bones [ Ezekiel 37:1-14 ]
Looking for more? Check out our Sermon Archive and download recent sermons from the past few months.
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