Worship Online

To care for the health and safety of those who worship at Central, and in accordance with recommendations from national and local governmental authorities and the CDC, Session has made the careful decision to suspend all in-person worship and group activities through March 31. We will use this page to share worship each week, as a way to connect while still remaining safe in our homes. New content will be posted each Sunday morning and remain for you to watch and download as your schedule allows. We are also making other arrangements for those without internet access to receive worship materials via postal mail. If you have limited web access or know of someone in need of mailed content, please contact Anna Sanchez or call (651) 224-4748.

If you are facing a pastoral emergency or have questions, our staff will continue to available to support you. See the bottom of the page for contact information and referrals.

Sunday, March 22


Children’s Time

Children & Youth Ministry Coordinator Katie Morris shares a reading and reflection for the children of our congregation.



Rev. Colby reads today’s scripture from Ezekiel 37:1-14



Director of Music Ministry, Jennifer Anderson, shares hymns from the Presbyterian Hymnal, as well as a select piece of music for meditation and reflection.


Rev. David Colby preaches The Valley of Dry Bones from Ezekiel.


closing prayer

Pastoral Associate Maureen Smith shares closing prayer.

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We welcome and encourage you to give as you normally would using our online giving option. You can give one time or set up a recurring payment by clicking on the donate button.



Teachers and so many others are having to learn quickly how to provide distance learning, services, and connection. Here at Central we are trying new ways of gathering for worship in a time when we want to keep people safe by not gathering physically.  What you see on this page is a work in progress, which will evolve each week we are unable to share worship in person. We welcome your feedback and glad to welcome you in this online worship service. If you have comments or questions about the online worship, feel free to message Christie Rachelle or call the Central office at (651) 224-4728.

Want to revisit a recent sermon from Central? Check out our Sermon Archive on the website and download many of Rev. Colby’s recent sermons from the past few months.

If you are facing a pastoral emergency or have questions, our staff will continue to available to support you. Our office hours may be reduced during this time, however, all staff continue to work remotely and are in church as able. You can call the church office at (651) 224-4728 or email the following staff directly.

In addition to worship, all events and group activities have been cancelled at Central through through March 31. The need for further cancellations will be assessed at that time. Cancellations include:

  • Wednesday Community Lunch

  • Inspired Concert on March 29 featuring Linda Kachelmeier music premier.

  • Central committee meetings. If you were to meet, groups are asked to seek out email, conference or video meetings instead. Anna Sanchez can assist with options available.