Worship Online
Central’s Session has agreed that it is in the best interest of all who worship at Central, and all who are served by our community, to cancel all in-person worship and activities at Central until further notice. Every Sunday, new content will be posted to this page for a worship-on-demand experience that you can view anytime throughout the week. For those without regular internet access, we are mailing worship materials via postal mail. If you have limited web access or know of someone in need of mailed content, please contact Anna Sanchez or call (651) 224-4748.
For tips on video viewing, see the bottom of this page.
Sunday, September 6
Rev. David Colby welcomes everyone to worship with our guest messengers Laura Williams and Derek Peterson.
This song "Draw the Circle Wide" by Mark Miller at Bring the Sing, took place at Central Presbyterian Church on May 21, 2016. VocalPoint, the chorus-in-residence at Central was featured at this particular Bring the Sing, which invites singers from all over the region to a workshop of music and connecting. The conductor is Tesfa Wondemagegnehu and the event was sponsored by The Choral Stream of Classical Minnesota Public Radio.
chIldren’s time
Laura Williams shares a time for children with a story inspired by the Inupiat of Alaska - the blanket toss.
Scripture Reading
Derek Peterson shares this week’s scripture - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 - and a message on resilience, providing a phramework (the spelling is intentional here and you may learn why!) for how we can be faithful and creative.
Laura Williams shares a closing prayer.
In his work on increasing and sustaining resilience in people, Derek Peterson has organized the 100+ Protective Factors into the colors of the rainbow, to form a meaningful, memorable and measurable framework. The framework describes how youth and adults alike can create their own personal village, or Full Color Web of Support. Janie Lidey, a colleague in Alaska, used Derek's work as an inspiration for this song which invites listeners to move from seeing each other in black and white to In Full Color.
For more information, contact Derek at the Institute for Community and Adolescent Resilience through www.icar-us.com. We thank Derek and Janie for the permission to use this video.
If Central is your church home, we encourage you to continue your tithes and offerings during this season. In so many ways, the work of Central is more important than ever before as we step up to serve those lacking important resources of daily living. You can give one time or set up a recurring payment by clicking on the donate button to the right.
Next week, we kick-off the new program year. This year, affectionately named 'Caring Together Sunday', we are adding a special gathering event reflective of this unusual time.... a car parade! On Sunday, September 13 between 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. take a casual drive through the MPR parking lot and experience a little bit of what makes our Central community wonderful! While you stay in your vehicle (or, if you are walking over, stay socially distanced), you will share in experiences for all ages.
Backpack blessings and blessings for anyone returning to school.
Prayer shawls and pocket shawls for those in need of comfort in these difficult times.
A fun I Spy scavenger hunt for all ages.
Live music by our talented Central musicians.
A wall of prayers.
Ice cream refreshments.
Come over anytime during the hour for this open house-style event.
The September newsletter will be hitting your mailbox soon, but you needn't wait to catch up on the latest news. Simply click on this link to read a digital copy. Want to be added to the mailing list? Simply drop a call or email to Anna Sanchez in the church office and be added to our print mailing list which delivers to your mailbox or our digital mailing list which will send a copy to your email inbox.
The Coordinated Mission Committee is inviting you to participate in our bi-monthly volunteering event on Saturday, September 12 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. serving lunch at the St. Paul Opportunity Center. The St. Paul Opportunity Center is part of Catholic Charities and is located at 422 Dorothy Day Place, St. Paul, MN. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old . This is our second year volunteering with Catholic Charities and we invite everyone at Central to serve. To sign up, simply visit our Volunteer page. If you have questions about Covid-19 safety, contact Anna in the office to be connected with this team.
On what would have been our first rehearsal of the fall, the choir is invited to a Zoom check-in and fellowship event on September 9 at 7:15 p.m. This time for those involved with the Central Choir will allow us to hear how our summers have been, to check in with each other, and to connect. A Zoom link will be sent to each choir member directly.
Central's Nominating Committee has begun its work to prayerfully consider people to serve as elders and deacons for the next terms. Presbyterians elect elders to exercise leadership, government, and discipline, and deacons to minister to those in need. At this time, we are seeking your ideas and suggestions of people that you think might be good elders and deacons. Self-nominations are encouraged!
To learn more, pick up the August newsletter. To submit a nomination, email your confidential suggestions to Rev. David Colby with your reason for the nomination and he will share your suggestion with the whole Nominating Committee.
The Session has called for a congregational meeting to act on recommendations to amend the congregational bylaws will be held on Sunday, September 20 at 11:30 a.m. All active members of the Central congregation are eligible to vote. This meeting will be conducted using Zoom technology.
The Session recommends two changes to the bylaws of the congregation that will be acted upon at this meeting.
Congregational bylaw #2 states "there shall be an annual general meeting of the congregation in the church edifice at a time and date in the first quarter of the calendar year following a Sunday morning worship service."
Session recommends deleting the words "in the church edifice".
Bylaw #17 notes that "Rule 2 is subject to amendment with respect to date, hour and place of meeting only".
Recommend the amendment of Congregational bylaw #12, which states "There shall be twelve ruling elders divided into three equal classes . . ."
Session recommends changing the word "twelve" to "fifteen".
Watch your mailbox and email inbox for further details with the Zoom link, passcode, and specific details about how to participate.
If at anytime you have questions, concerns or ideas, we invite you to reach out to our staff who will continue to be available. While voice mail will be checked as staff are able, we encourage you to send emails for more immediate response. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call 651-224-4728 ext. 102 and the voicemail will provide instruction to reach the pastor.
Pastoral care: Rev. David Colby
Deacons: Deacon Committee Chair, Mark Vance
Music: Jennifer Anderson
Children and Youth: Katie Morris
General Inquiries: Anna Sanchez
Communication/Website: Christie Rachelle
Past Sunday Worship Content
To view content, simply click on the date to go to that page.
Sunday, August 30
Prepared to Endure Everything with Patience [ Colossians 1:9-14 ]
Sunday, August 23
Conversation on Anti-Racism [ Mark 10:48, 2 Timothy 1:9, Hebrews 12:1, and John 16:13 }
Sunday, August 16
Conversation on Hunger [ Psalm 107:1-9 and Mark 6:30-44 ]
Sunday, August 16
Conversation on Homelessness [ 1 John 3:16-24 and Isaiah 32:17-18 ]
Sunday, August 2
Worship with Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area [ Exodus 14:10-18 ]
Sunday, July 26 - Worship with Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area
Tears of Lament [ John 11: 28-44 ]
Sunday, July 19
Compassion for the World [ Leviticus 25 ]
Sunday, July 12
Compassion for the Journey [ Ruth 1:1-22 ]
Sunday, July 5
Compassion at the Table [ Luke 15: 11-32 ]
Sunday, June 28
Compassion for the Neighbor [ Mark 2:1-12 ]
Sunday, June 21
Looking Forward [ Isaiah 40:29-31 & Mark 12:25-31 ]
Sunday, June 14
Be Loved. Be Kind. Be You. [ Mark 2: 28-31 ]
Sunday, June 7
With All Our Breath [ Genesis 2:7-9, Job 27:3-6, and Isaiah 42:1-9 ]
Sunday, May 31
Pentecost Sunday [ Acts 2: 1-41 ]
Sunday, May 24
How Do We Get Started? [ Acts 1:1-14 ]
Sunday, May 17
The Gospel Goes to Athens [ Acts 17:22-31 ]
Sunday, May 10
The Church is On the Move [ Acts 14:20-28 ]
Sunday, May 3
They Broke Bread at Home [ Acts 2:42-46 ]
Sunday, April 26
Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly [ Micah 6:6-8 ]
Sunday, April 19
The Peace of Jesus Christ [ John 20:19-31 ]
Sunday, April 12 - EASTER SUNDAY
Easter in a Time of Social Distancing [ John 20:1-18 ]
Friday, April 10 - GOOD FRIDAY
Good Friday [ Psalm 22:1-5 ]
Last Supper Together | Love One Another [ John 13:33-38 ]
Even the Stones Will Shout Aloud! [ Luke 19:28-40 ]
Finding a Balm in Gilead [ Psalm 27 ]
The Valley of Dry Bones [ Ezekiel 37:1-14 ]
Looking for more? Check out our Sermon Archive and download recent sermons from the past few months.
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