Worship Online

Central’s Session has agreed that it is in the best interest of all who worship at Central, and all who are served by our community, to cancel all in-person worship and activities at Central until further notice. Every Sunday, new content will be posted to this page for a worship-on-demand experience that you can view anytime throughout the week. For those without regular internet access, we are mailing worship materials via postal mail. If you have limited web access or know of someone in need of mailed content, please contact Anna Sanchez or call (651) 224-4748.

For tips on video viewing, see the bottom of this page.

Sunday, May 17

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Stephen Swanson performs Amazing Grace arranged by Pam Gervais.


Rev. David Colby reads today's scripture from the book of Acts.


Children’s Time

Children and Youth Director Katie Morris delivers a message of gratitude for Sunday School teachers, and congratulations for our graduates.


Reverend David Colby delivers the sermon The Gospel Goes to Athens, where we travel with the apostle Paul to the city of Athens.  In Acts 17:22-31, we hear a portion of Paul's sermon in front of the cosmopolitan Athenians.  How would we speak of the faith in a new place and at a time of great change?



Central Choir section leaders sing Shall We Gather at the River.



Members of the Deacons, Finance and Stewardship and Coordinated Missions Committees share some ways that the Central Presbyterian Church community can offer and seek help during this time.


Rev. David Colby shares a closing prayer.


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If Central is your church home, we encourage you to continue your tithes and offerings during this season. In so many ways, the work of Central is more important than ever before as we step up to serve those lacking important resources of daily living. You can give one time or set up a recurring payment by clicking on the donate button to the right. 


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Beacon Interfaith Housing is a collaborative of congregations united in action to create homes and advance equitable housing.  In this time, Beacon is committed to the health and safety of their residents and shelter guests. Among other actions, they are currently incurring additional cleaning costs of approximately $10,000 per week. At the same time, they want to provide residents and guests with the items they need to protect themselves as much as possible.  To do this, Beacon needs our help with needs for the following items:
1.    Hand sanitizer: Small pump style or large bottles for refills
2.    Disinfectant soap: Small pump style or large bottles for refills
3.    Body lotion
4.    Disinfectant wipes
5.    Paper towels
6.    Laundry detergent
7.    Masks


Bring donations to Central Presbyterian Church for collection on Sundays, May 17 or May 24 between 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Volunteers will be at the MPR parking lot entrance of the church to collect donations so you don't need to leave your vehicle. 

Do you sew?  Beacon needs masks of all types!  This includes hand sewn masks of all fabric styles and either elastic or tying ear loops.

Can't make a donation delivery on either Sunday?  You can deliver them to Prior Crossing (1949 University Ave W) between 9:00 am – 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday or to Families Moving Forward Center (1808 Emerson Avenue N, Minneapolis) on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

If you have questions about this drive, items to donate or drop off times, contact Kiera Faye or the Central office at (651) 224-4728.


As we continue to care for one another during this time, we know that sometimes it can feel overwhelming to search for resources about various mental health needs, and you may not know where to begin. The Minnesota Mental Health Helpline can offer resources and someone to talk with: 1-800-862-1799.

If you are in need of other referrals for mental health, housing, emergency needs or the like, we invite you to connect with our Deacons who may be of assistance to connect you with other programs in our community.  Simply contact the church office at (651) 224-4748.

We invite you to check out our Facebook page every Sunday mornings between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. when our staff will be posting questions and photos and inviting you to share what your worship looks like.  Join us with your cup of coffee and ‘Pass the Peace’ on our Facebook page

If at anytime you have questions, concerns or ideas, we invite you to reach out to our staff who will continue to be available.  While voice mail will be checked as staff are able, we encourage you to send emails for more immediate response.  If you have a pastoral emergency, please call 651-224-4728 ext. 102 and the voicemail will provide instruction to reach the pastor.


Past Sunday Worship Content

To view content, simply click on the date to go to that page.

Sunday, May 10
The Church is On the Move [ Acts 14:20-28 ]

Sunday, May 3
They Broke Bread at Home [ Acts 2:42-46 ]

Sunday, April 26
Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly [ Micah 6:6-8 ]

Sunday, April 19
The Peace of Jesus Christ [ John 20:19-31 ]

Sunday, April 12 - EASTER SUNDAY
Easter in a Time of Social Distancing [ John 20:1-18 ]

Friday, April 10 - GOOD FRIDAY
Good Friday [ Psalm 22:1-5 ]

Last Supper Together | Love One Another [ John 13:33-38 ]

Even the Stones Will Shout Aloud! [ Luke 19:28-40 ]

Finding a Balm in Gilead [ Psalm 27 ]

The Valley of Dry Bones [ Ezekiel 37:1-14 ]

Looking for more? Check out our Sermon Archive and download recent sermons from the past few months.

Video Controls and Closed Captioning

To turn on closed captioning, click the CC at the bottom right of the page. To enlarge the video to full screen to better read the text, click the white box in the lower right corner. To exit full screen viewing, press the "ESC" key on your keyboard.

Sometimes computer volume is controlled separately from YouTube volume - look for volume keys on the keyboard or monitor.
