Worship Online
Central’s Session has agreed that it is in the best interest of all who worship at Central, and all who are served by our community, to cancel all in-person worship and activities at Central until further notice. Every Sunday, new content will be posted to this page for a worship-on-demand experience that you can view anytime throughout the week. For those without regular internet access, we are mailing worship materials via postal mail. If you have limited web access or know of someone in need of mailed content, please contact Anna Sanchez or call (651) 224-4748.
For tips on video viewing, see the bottom of this page.
Sunday, March 7
Easy! Click here to go to our YouTube playlist
Video cover art this week is adapted from Gisela Zimmerman'ns "Stairway to Heaven".
Elder Mel Leach welcomes us to worship and introduces our new Transitional Pastor Rev. Carol Read, who leads us in a call to worship.
Eric Bartlett and Linda Kachelmeier sing a duet of "Va’ani T’filati" - a Hebrew prayer, arranged by Linda Kachelmeier.
Time for Children
Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator, Katie Morris shares a time for children. (Email your welcome to Kiera Faye (or Central’s office) or upload directly to https://www.dropbox.com/request/v9fxPk7Z6sr8IJmHItkB by March 14.)
scripture & Sermon
Elder Mel Leach shares the scripture reading of Psalm 19:1-2, 7-10 and John 2:13-22. Rev. Carol Reed reflects on meeting God this Lenten season.
Rev. Carol Reed guides us in the sacrament of communion with music played by Jennifer Anderson.
4 Ways to Give
If Central is your church home, we encourage you to continue your regular tithes and offerings during this season. In so many ways, the work of Central is more important than ever before as we step up to serve those lacking important resources of daily living. To make your offering this week, simply click on an icon below.
After worship, head over to zoom and connect for a casual coffee time with others from Central. Coffee Time is lead by Kiera Faye and offered on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. with the same Zoom link for all.
VIA VIDEO ON SMARTPHONE, COMPUTER OR TABLET, GO TO: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82541611955
(312) 626-6799, then enter Meeting ID: 825 4161 1955#
If you have questions, drop an email to the Central office.
On Sunday, March 21, we will witness our first live-stream worship service with Rev. Reed at the helm. Afterward, we will gather on Zoom for an extended Coffee Time from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. for a welcome reception with Carol. As part of this event, Kiera Faye will be assembling a video montage of your welcome messages!
Feel free to send a 10-second welcome message (as simple as “Welcome Pastor Carol!” or “Welcome to Central!”) or take a photo including your smiling faces and maybe a welcoming sign. Submit your welcome notes by March 14 with subject 'Welcome Pastor Carol' via email to kierafaye@gmail.com or simply click here to upload photos or video files. Let’s show Pastor Carol the warm welcome of our Central community!
If at anytime you have questions, concerns or ideas, we invite you to reach out to our staff who will continue to be available. While voice mail will be checked as staff are able, we encourage you to send emails for more immediate response. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call 651-224-4728 ext. 100 and the voicemail will provide instruction to reach the deacons.
Pastoral Care: Rev. Carol Reed
Deacons: Deacon Committee Chair, Mark Vance
Music: Jennifer Anderson
Children and Youth: Katie Morris
General Inquiries: Anna Sanchez
Communication/Website: Christie Rachelle
Permission to reprint, podcast, and stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-712575.
All rights reserved.
Past Sunday Worship Content
To view content, simply click on the date to go to that page.
Sunday, February 28 - Katie Morris
How Do We Listen? [ Psalm 22:23-31 and Mark 8:31-9:8 ]
Sunday, February 21 - Jennifer Anderson
Singing Our Story
Sunday, February 14 - Mel Leach
A Still Small Voice [ 1 Kings 19:9-12 and Mark 1:12-13 ]
Sunday, February 7 - Phil Romine
Clarity in the Darkness [ Isaiah 40:21-31 and Mark 1:29-39 ]
Sunday, January 31 - Rev. John Severson
Do You Need a SERT? [ Psalm 21 ]
Sunday, January 24 - Casey Wells & Doug Throckmorton
Jonah Revisited [ Jonah 3 & 4 ]
Sunday, January 17 - Elder Dr. Ernest Lloyd Preaching
Reflections from “Letters from a Birmingham Jail” by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
[ Isaiah 49:1-7, Proverbs 3:3-6, and 1 Corinthians 15:58 ]
Sunday, January 10 - Rev. Lou Bender Preaching
Baptism: Remember? [ Mark 1:4-11 ]
Sunday, January 3
Guided by a Star [ Matthew 2:1-12 ]
Looking for more? Check out our Sermon Archive and view sermons from the past year.
Video Controls and Closed Captioning
To turn on closed captioning, click the CC at the bottom right of the page. To enlarge the video to full screen to better read the text, click the white box in the lower right corner. To exit full screen viewing, press the "ESC" key on your keyboard.
Sometimes computer volume is controlled separately from YouTube volume - look for volume keys on the keyboard or monitor.