Children and youth updates

We so miss being able to connect as a community and see you all in person! As we find new ways to gather, the Children and Youth Committee wants to continue finding ways to connect based on what you and your family needs! If you’d like to share your ideas or ways you’d like to stay connected, contact Katie Morris! Find information about our activities and events below.


Find resources for devotionals, Advent wreaths, and other activites your family can do during this season of waiting!


Join us for a “Virtual” Christmas Pageant!

On Sunday, December 20th, we will premier a prerecorded virtual pageant for our worship service. The pageant will look a little different than in years past, but it will still have all the incredible pieces of the Christmas story that we look forward to each year. We hope you will join us!


Congrats to the Confirmation Class of 2020!


Our group of confirmands began their class together in the fall of 2019, and what a year it was! Our gatherings were postponed back in March and we weren't able to finish out the year as we expected, but the group started meeting again this fall in a combination of distanced-park gatherings and Zoom gatherings! We celebrated with this group on November 22 for our online Confirmation Celebration Worship Service, so be sure to check out that service if you haven’t already! The commitment of the faith community is one of the most important pieces in our baptism and confirmation traditions, and we were so grateful to have contributions from many of the Central community members.


We gathered at a park for a physically distanced hike and picnic on a chilly day in October, check out some photos here!