Advent Resource Roundup
We know this year
will be different…
We know that this Advent and Christmas season will be unlike any other - how is your family planning to make it special? Perhaps you’d like to do a devotional togther as a family, or light an Advent wreath each week, or you’re looking for other rituals to make this season of waiting special. Throughout the Christmas story, we hear this refrain, “Do Not Be Afraid” - what does that mean for us in this year of uncertainty? We’ll explore this theme throughout the season of Advent in worship and in our virtual pageant.
Check out these resources below, or contact Katie Morris if you have more specific questions
Advent Devotions
For the whole family:
Illustrated Ministry - We are using this devotional for our Advent theme, as well as for our Virtual Pageant. If you would like to have a copy emailed to you, let us know! We’ll also be including printed copies in our Advent-At-Home kits.
The SALT Project - This Advent calendar/devotion offers an action item for each day of Advent - you may have one from Advent last year! Again, if you’d like to have a new copy emailed to you, let us know!
For adults:
Starry Black Night - This Womanist Advent devotional is put out by Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice and features a fantastic lineup of Black women pastors, preachers, professors, activists, and community leaders.
Advent Wreaths
The tradition of the Advent wreath reminds us of the passing of time during the season of Advent. Traditionally, we focus on a different theme each week, and on Christmas Eve we light the center or “Christ” candle. This year is a great time to start an Advent wreath tradition at home!
Make-your-own! - This article has some great ideas for creating your own Advent wreath with things you likely already have at home. It could be as simple as a green handprint paper “wreath” with battery operated tea lights, as elaborate as finding a beautiful wreath with pink, blue, and white tapers, or anywhere in between!
Find one! - You can also find Advent wreaths at a number of different price points on sites like Etsy depending on what you’re looking for!
Family Rituals
Find something to do together as a family this Advent! Whatever it is, setting some intentional time to do it together will make this season special. Traci Smith has some suggestions for Advent spiritual practices, or see the others below!
Lighting the Advent Wreath - Each Sunday in our online worship, we’ll light an Advent wreath. Make this a time for your family to light (or turn on!) your candle too. You may not have had time to create or buy an Advent wreath, and that’s fine! Even just lighting a single candle together will make the moment special.
Creating something together - Perhaps your family loves to cook, and you want to bring a meal to a neighbor, or you enjoy writing letters or drawing and you want to send notes to some friends you haven’t seen in a while. Set aside some time to create and connect with others.
Watching our Virtual Pageant - Many of you will be invovled in our pageant, and it will be so exciting to see it all put together on Sunday, December 20th! Send the link to your friends and family, cozy up with a warm drink, and watch the story of Christmas together as a family.
What special rituals does your family have?
Share your special traditions with us in an email, a phone call, or photo - we would love to hear about them!