
Important Announcement

Last Sunday, our Scripture readings began with these lines from Psalm 121.

I lift up my eyes to the hills— from where will my
help come?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

As the news and concern over the COVID-19 situation continues, we at Central want to take prudent steps in order to keep our community healthy.  Accordingly, 

Sunday, March 15 worship and all public events this day at Central have been cancelled.  

To the best of our knowledge, no one directly affiliated with Central Presbyterian Church has been infected with COVID-19.  It is out of an abundance of caution and because of the deep concern for the well-being of our church and community, we have made this decision.  In order to be proactive, we have established a task force of experts who have been providing guidance and helping us discern how we should proceed.  This team includes:

  • a Community Health Planner for the Minnesota Department of Health

  • a former Chief of Infection Control and Epidemiology service at Walter Reed Medical Center (now retired)

  • the Director of the Ryan White Center for Pediatric Infectious Disease and Global Health at Indiana University (participating electronically). 

Not only are they experts in their fields, they are good people with the best intentions for all of our health and safety in mind.  We are grateful to them.
Nonetheless, out of an abundance of caution and because of the deep concern for the well-being of our church and community, we have taken this decision.

We will continue to follow guidelines from the Minnesota Department of Health, the Center for Disease Control and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (which has very church-specific recommendations).  Many colleges and universities are moving to distance learning models.  Here at Central, we are exploring ways that we can provide opportunities for being the church and enabling worship and prayer and learning and compassion for when we cannot gather in person.  In a time of anxiety, please let us know what we can do to help you and best be the church in this challenging new context.

Worship can happen many
in different ways. 

For this Sunday, you might participate in worship by watching live streaming services.  While Central is not yet set up to do this, some other churches you
might check out include:

I am confident that Central will continue to exemplify the best of what it means to be church in our time.  In addition to receiving great ideas, I hope and I trust that we will continue to be generous and compassionate and kind.  We will continue to "lift up our eyes to the hills," we will continue to seek help from the God above.  We will continue to be the body of Christ for one another.  We are going to do some amazing things together, with the help of God.

May the peace of Christ be with us all,         
Rev. Dr. David Colby
Pastor, Central Presbyterian Church
