
Weddings celebrate a covenant through which couples are called to live out together before God their lives of discipleship. In a service of Christian marriage a lifelong commitment is made, publicly witnessed and acknowledged by the community of faith. Central Presbyterian Church is delighted to be considered the church for your wedding. We consider it a privilege to use our sanctuary for weddings, including weddings for non-members.

Upon the change in Minnesota’s marriage laws, Central’s Session voted to make clear that all couples, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, are welcome to celebrate their marriage at Central.

Step 1: Reserve Wedding Date – Please contact our Office Manager to check for church availability for your dates and the latest building and staffing costs.

Step 2: Send Deposit and Form – To reserve your date, you must return the information form, along with a $500 deposit (for non-members) to secure your wedding date. You may leave blank any information on the form you do not yet know so that it may be filled in later.

Step 3: Meet with the Pastor – One of Central’s pastors will be assigned for your wedding. Guest pastors may co-officiate in consultation with the Central pastor. One of the most important things a couple can do to prepare for marriage is to enter into counseling to learn more about themselves and about the covenant of marriage. The Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church requires that the pastor conducting the service not only counsel the couple but also be confident of the “commitment, responsibility, maturity, and Christian understanding” of the couple regarding the covenant of marriage. After securing the date, the pastor or church administrator will be in contact with you to set up an initial meeting.

Step 4: Coordinate with Organist – Three months before the wedding you will be responsible for contacting Central’s Director of Music. All soloists and instrumentalists must be coordinated through the Director of Music.

Notes on Rehearsal Times: The rehearsal date is usually the day before the wedding. The rehearsal time will be at 4:00, unless scheduled differently by the church office. Weddings are scheduled at least three hours apart. Rehearsals are scheduled one hour apart. The church will be available two hours before the wedding service and one hour following the service.

We look forward to assisting you in planning your wedding. If you have any questions in filling out the information form, or at any time as you prepare for your wedding, please contact the Church Administrator.