Volunteer Signup
Central is in the city for good. This means we serve our neighbors in a variety of ways.
Below is a list of ways in which we volunteers can support our ministries and help to serve our neighbors.
If you have questions about any position listed here or otherwise,
please feel free to contact Church Administrator, Anna Sanchez, via email or (651) 224-4748 ext. 100.
VocalPoint Concerts
This annual event sees about 900 people come to Central to experience an outstanding choral concert plus community-building outreach focus. We need talented people to make it all happen, such as hospitality, ticket sales and ushering.
St. Paul Opportunity Center
Continuing on the efforts of the past year, the Coordinated Mission Committee has scheduled volunteer opportunities for Central to serve the Saturday lunch meal at the new St. Paul Opportunity Center (formerly Mary Hall) several times this year. Our next volunteer dates are Saturdays on January 11, March 14, May 9, July 11, September 12, and November 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
St. Paul Opportunity Center and Dorothy Day Residence is part of Catholic Charities and is located at 422 Dorothy Day Place, St. Paul, MN 55102. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old and should wear appropriate closed-toe footwear.
Worship Leaders
Here at Central we like to involve people in worship leadership and currently have opportunities available for for people to be liturgists, leading prayers, reading scripture passages, and speaking from the pulpit. Training and materials will be provided. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Rev. Colby.
Sunday Coffee Maker & Servers
These hospitality volunteers help create a fellowship experience for Sunday worship members and guests. Coffee makers help prepare and serve refreshments before worship services while coffee servers serve coffee and cookies after worship during the fellowship hour.
Sunday Worship Usher
Ushers are the patrons of hospitality, helping to ensure members and visitors have all that they need to enjoy a positive worship experience.
Sanctuary / Pew Organizer
Sign up as individuals, a pair, or a team. This is a good fit for anyone, especially families, introverts, retirees, or small groups, and timing is flexible to the volunteer's schedule. You set your schedule to complete!
Check that each pew rack has Bibles and Hymnals organized.
Offering envelopes, visitor, information and prayer request cards are restocked.
Each pew slot should have a functioning pen.
Hidden trash is removed.
Martha's Closet
Volunteers help in sorting and organizing Martha's Closet donations, as well as working with clients during their shopping experience.
Wednesday Lunch Service
Volunteers work with Chef Barb Westman to help with meal prep, service, and clean up for our Wednesday community meal event.
Project Home
Each November, Central opens its doors as an evening shelter for homeless people in the community. This is undertaking requires numerous volunteers to fill several areas of need. We are currently in need of many people to help with the November 2019 shelter.