free Sketching Workshop

On Sunday, September 30, Central will host an artist reception with Jeanne Kosfeld whose work is currently on exhibit in the Friendship Room.  We are excited to announce that Jeanne Kosfeld will also be leading a FREE “Sketching in the City” workshop on October 7.

You have a special opportunity to join Jeanne for a playful, no-fear sketch outing. You’ll rekindle the wonder for drawing that you possessed as a child. She’ll share her love for sketching and show you how she approaches simple and complex scenes on location. You’ll leave with a new companion — your sketchbook tucked in your pocket or purse ready to give you hours of enjoyment wherever you go. 


Sketchbook:  Approximately 5” x 8”. Open it and make sure it lays flat for you and is comfortable in your hands. We will have a few extra sketchbooks on hand for those needing one.

Variety of pens and pencils: Permanent & non-permanent ink pens provide different results and are fun to experiment with. Bring along whatever feels good in your hand and flows easily across the surface of the paper.  

Lunch and childcare will be provided.


When: Sunday, Oct 7  11:45 am -1:45pm

Where: Meet in the Friendship Room. Weather permitting we’ll sketch outside.

RSVP: Class size limited to 20. Teens - Adults. Send an email to and also indicate if you need childcare.

To learn more about artist Jeanne Kosfeld, visit her website.