Sunday Morning Opportunities for Youth


9:15 a.m.

  • The Exchange offers gathering time for all ages in the Friendship Room to welcome each other and connect for fellowship.

9:25 a.m.

  • Transition downstairs to the John Huss Room for Sunday School

10:30 a.m.          

  • Worship begins in the sanctuary.

confirmation classes

At Central, we hold confirmation classes every few years based on our numbers. Many churches hold classes for late middle/early high schoolers, but the specific age is less important than the commitment of the group to meeting and learning together. In the 2019-2020 school year, confirmation at Central is open to 8th and 9th graders, as well as any older youth who have not had the opportunity to participate in a class. The class will meet regularly throughout the program year to get to know one another, ask tough questions about their faith, learn about the Christian tradition, and learn about the life of the church at Central.

The class will be led by the Children and Youth Ministries Coordinator, Katie Morris, along with Pastors Ashley and Dave, and other folks who participate in the life of the church at Central. The confirmation process is a church-wide process, as part of the covenant we make at baptism, and we want to celebrate the challenging work the confirmands do in examining their faiths.

If you have questions about confirmation, are interested in participating as a confirmand this year, or are interested in adult leadership, contact Katie Morris.


Connect With Others

Families with children and youth gather together monthly for various fellowship activities around St. Paul! Past events include ice skating, pool parties, park clean-up, family game night. Our goal is to keep these events affordable, please get in touch with Katie Morris if you ever have concerns about attending due to finances, or if you have ideas for outings.

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Our teens are active participants in the volunteering life of our church. So many one-time and ongoing programs would not be possible without their commitments of time and energy. Thank you for modeling what it means to be the body of Christ, to one another and to our community!

Central teens are active in the life of our church, serving on the Session, helping teach Sunday School, reading scripture and prayers in worship, being involved in the preparation and serving of Wednesday lunches, serving as ushers and greeters throughout the year and more. One aspiring Eagle Scout volunteered his time and money to install much-needed shelves and cabinets for Martha’s Closet, Central’s mission which provides job interview and work clothing to women in need of assistance. Another aspiring Eagle Scout gave our Sunday School hallway a much-needed new coat of paint.

Central Church is proud that youth have attended the Presbyterian Youth Triennium at Purdue University. They returned with deeper faith lives and new perspectives on the directions in life God is calling them to follow.