Life Events



Baptism is the sacrament of entrance to the community of faith. Presbyterians baptize adults on their profession of faith, as well as the children of church members.

Most Presbyterians are baptized as infants as a sign of God’s love and as a recognition of their welcome into our church family. Children will speak for themselves and confirm their baptisms in a confirmation program during their teen years.

Central’s session approves all baptisms, which are celebrated during Sunday worship. For infant baptisms, at least one parent should be an active member of Central. Before each baptism, parents meet with the pastor to discuss the theology of baptism and what it means in the life of the family.

If you are interested in scheduling a baptism, please contact the Church Administrator.



Weddings celebrate a covenant through which couples are called to live out together before God their lives of discipleship. In a service of Christian marriage, a lifelong commitment is made, publicly witnessed and acknowledged by the community of faith. Central Presbyterian Church is delighted to be considered the church for your wedding.   

Upon the change in Minnesota’s marriage laws, Central’s Session voted to make clear that all couples, regardless of gender, are welcome to celebrate their marriage at Central.

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We host funerals, memorials and celebrations of life services to remember and celebrate the life of a loved one. Scheduling a funeral or memorial service is subject to the availability of our facilities as well as the availability of our staff and volunteers.

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