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Help Central Celebrate Good News!

There is much uncertainty right now for us all as we move through unsettled times.  Though the feelings of stress and anxiety are very real, so is our faith in the good news of Jesus's resurrection.  While we won't be able to gather together to celebrate Easter, we would like to hear how you see good news in your life right now.  Perhaps it is a story about helping a neighbor - or being helped. Are you seeing tulips starting to peak through the ground or perhaps delighting in the sidewalk chalk art by a neighboring child?  Do you have a favorite scripture verse to share or perhaps a picture of your favorite furry friend?  We invite you to share all of those things with us for a special feature video being complied by Central’s own Kiera Faye.


  • A short (15 seconds or less) video

  • A photo with a brief description

  • A statement offering a message, scripture or thought


  1. Via email to Kiera Faye (photos, videos, artwork, statements)

  2. Via phone to church office at 651-224-4728 ext. 100 (statements)

Submissions are due by Wednesday, April 15.  If you have technical questions about sending a video or image, please contact Kiera about options.  Please note that part of what will make this meaningful is knowing who submitted content, so we will include your name.

Central's Little Bits of Good News feature was inspired by John Krasinski's Some Good News.  If you have not yet seen, it is worth watching!