In March 2024, Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul launched Faithful Hospitality, an initiative to provide mobile shelter to help Hennepin County shelters deal with a current overflow of asylum-seeking families who are experiencing homelessness. In addition, Interfaith Action will collaborate with community partners to provide supportive legal, housing, and employment services to families in Faithful Hospitality shelters.
Central Presbyterian is proud to be the home for Interfaith Action’s daily work in providing those services seven days a week. Staff with IFA work with up to eighty clients - families who are moving towards stability and success. We’re grateful for this partnership and the ability to use our facilities to be In the City for Good.
Sign up here to donate requested items for families: .You can bring donations to the church any Sunday—find the donations bin in the Fellowship Hall.
How long will Faithful Hospitality last?
IFA has received a 13 month grant from the state of Minnesota to administer IFA. Towards the end of that period, they will find out of the program will continue to be funded, and Central will have an opportunity to assess how the program has worked in our space.
What spaces will IFA use?
Their lease will include shared use of the Dining Room, Friendship/Fireside Room, and the Lounge. Because these are spaces that are also used by Central (for example, for fellowship and Wednesday/Sunday meals), we will have a shared used calendar to ensure Central events and ministries will continue.
Will Central members need to volunteer?
Faithful Hospitality is fully staffed by IFA. While there may be opportunities to volunteer in specific ways and show hospitality to IFA clients, we will not be needed on a regular basis to administer the program.
How will children in the IFA program be cared for?
IFA has plans for daily childcare for children who are not school-aged. As we move forward, how we can be of service to those children and families will be part of our ongoing discussion.
How will this impact Central’s finances?
Our lease agreement ensures that we will cover the additional costs of housing Faithful Hospitality, including additional utilities, wear and tear, custodial work, and staffing. We also expect there will be some remaining funds to help Central’s ministry.
How will this impact our historic building?
Faithful Hospitality will use the Dining Room, the Friendship and Fireside Rooms, and the Lounge at various times. Spaces like the Sanctuary are not included in the lease. We do anticipate added wear and tear, which is built into our lease, in particular to our kitchen equipment, some of which is towards the end of their lifecycles. While we can’t plan for every single possibility, we feel confident that we’ll be able to address what needs arise.
How will we share spaces for important Central ministries?
Important ministries like Wednesday Lunch, Third Sunday Lunch, fellowship, and more will not be affected. We will have a shared use calendar with IFA to make sure that both IFA and Central have access to the spaces we need. When there are special or unexpected events (e.g. TubaChristmas, funerals, weddings), we will be able to give IFA staff notice to ensure the space we need.
How will building security be affected?
In order to ensure the safety of their clients, IFA has strict requirements about keeping exterior doors secured and accompanying clients in and out of the building. In other words IFA’s practices conform to our best security practices already. Additionally, all staff will be trained in building use and security procedures.
How will this affect Central’s staff?
This will require some new patterns of work and communication, but we’re committed to caring for the staff, ensuring they don’t have extra burdens or need to drop work important to Central. The Personnel Committee is currently working to expand our staffing as necessarily, especially around custodial and facilities use, and clarify staff positions.
How will we address conflict when they arise?
In addition to weekly joint staff meetings, there will be an executive committee comprised of leadership and board/Session members from both IFA and Central that meets monthly to oversee the relationship and navigate any issues that arise.