
If you are interested in getting more involved at Central, we invite you to consider joining one of the following committees.  Volunteers are accepted for annual positions and you need not be an elder or member of Central to participate!

To learn more about an individual committee or how you might get involved,
we invite you to speak with the committee chair or contact our
church administrator.

Facilities Management & Risk Assessment

This committee is not only responsible for addressing building maintenance and asset preservation, but also for identifying and minimizing safety issues.

John Patton, Chair

Worship, Music, and Arts

This committee oversees big-picture worship and arts planning, including coordinating our rotating gallery display of exhibiting artists and communion preparation.

Kiera Faye, Chair

Finance & Stewardship

This committee analyzes and recommends the strategic use of financial resources.  With the treasurer, this committee interprets income, expenses and financial realities and priorities to the boards and to the congregation.  This committee creates and implements stewardship campaigns to increase participation in the life of the church.

Dr. Ernest Lloyd, Chair



This committee is responsible for ensuring effective staffing for the church, and to oversee an annual evaluation process for each staff member.  Some aspects of the work of this committee is highly confidential.

Phyllis Brashler, Chair

Mission & Justice

Central supports mission, social justice, and community outreach through the use of our building, our dollars, and our volunteer time.  The job of this committee is to coordinate, implement and execute our mission or community serving efforts, so that we can be most effective.  To facilitate our key focus areas, this committee also maintains the following task forces:

  • Hunger Initiative Task Force

  • Anti-Racism Task Force

  • Beacon Housing Leadership

Susan Rostkoski, Chair

Children and Youth Ministry

This committee oversees all the programs that Central offers for children and youth, including Sunday School, monthly outings, nursery care, and other events coordinated with worship.

Deb Fonkert, Chair

Welcome & Fellowship

This group engages visitors, host classes for new members, and helps new members assimilate to the Central community. In addition, this committee is charged with recruiting and training volunteers for ongoing hospitality tasks in the church (such as ushers and coffee servers).

Wendy Flinner, Chair


This is a committee, not of the Session, but of the entire congregation.  According to Central’s bylaws, two elders are to serve on this committee, and one is to chair it.  It usually meets regularly for about one month in the Fall and is charged with discerning whom God is preparing to serve as elders and deacons.

Wendy Flinner, Chair

Presbytery Commissioners

Central is eligible to send two voting commissioners to Presbytery meetings.  Some churches elect commissioners (and alternates) to serve for a year; others select commissioners on a rotating basis.  Presbytery meetings are held on Tuesdays or Saturdays five times each year in churches from across the presbytery (which stretches from Rochester to Hudson, Wisconsin).  This can provide greater awareness about the work of the church beyond Central.

Women of Central

While not a formal ‘committee’ of Session, this group connects regularly for networking and other activities, including planning and coordination of special events such as Deck the Halls for the Christmas season and the prayer shawl ministry.

Sue Hoffman, Chair