Health care is a critical issue for human rights. This is true for issues that dominate contemporary political discourse - take access to gender-affirming care - as well as broader issues like who gets access to health care, and how health care contributes to a thriving life.
As readers of the Bible, we believe, or at least suspect, that God has something to say to us about a good and thriving life for all through the words of Scripture. And yet it's difficult to know how to be in conversation about modern issues with a document written in the ancient near east with vastly different assumptions and access to basic knowledge (the germ theory of disease wasn't widely accepted until just over 150 years ago!).
On November 5 at 11:45 a.m., we'll have some of that conversation. We'll identify the ways in which access to health care is part of a thriving life, how we can be responsible readers of the Bible as we look for God's intentions for the good of all, and how we might act in the world in response to that intersection. Join us, bring an open mind, and bring your questions.