Central’s Hunger Initiative Task Force and Mission & Justice Committee are sponsoring a donation drive on November 12 to benefit the Keystone food shelf on Rice Street. This will be the same Sunday when our worship will include a spotlight on the work of Mission and Justice, and in the fellowship time after - what a great opportunity to put your FAITH into ACTION!
Make a financial donation
Financial contributions enable to buy food in bulk, a “bigger bang for the buck.” You make a financial gift via check made out to Keystone Community Services, with ‘Rice Street’ noted on the memo field of your check. Use the Special Offering envelopes in your pew and place your donations in the offering plate, or return to the office.
Donate needed food items.
High priority staples right now are rice, pasta, cereal, and peanut butter. Canned items with pop-top lids that do not require a can opener are always amazing, like soups, fruits, veggies, tomato sauce, etc. Also very popular are quick ready-to-eat foods like granola bars and shelf-stable microwave meals. Please check first that items are not out-of-date. There will be blue barrels or boxes near the Dining Room as well as the Friendship Room.
Donate by November 12
Please bring donations to church on Sunday, November 12. Any questions, contact Leon Oman through the church office.